Utopian book presentation, Fuengirola, Spain
Presentation ”Suomalaisutopistien jäljillä kuudessa maanosassa”, at Seurakuntakoti, Fuengirola, Spain, March 21, 2025.
Science Writer | Journalist | Researcher
Presentation ”Suomalaisutopistien jäljillä kuudessa maanosassa”, at Seurakuntakoti, Fuengirola, Spain, March 21, 2025.
Research visits to Tertulia Forest Coliving & Coworking Farm in Tuscany and Damanhur – Federation of Spiritual Communities in Piedmont, March 1-8, 2025.
My article “Chasing Utopias in Canada” was published in Länsirannikon uutiset – West Coast News in Vancouver 27.2.2025.
Liisa Vihmanen’s podcast, “Finnish Utopian Communities – Towards a Better World,” based on my interview, was published in YLE Living History series.The Finnish-language podcast is available at https://areena.yle.fi/podcastit/1-72758565.
Visit and interviews in Understenshöjden EcoVillage in Stockholm, Sweden.
Teuvo Peltoniemi: “Pienhiukkasten terveysvaarat - Näkymättömien saastuttajien jäljillä”, (“Health Risks of Fine Particles – Tracking Invisible Pollutants”) Science article based on interviews at ESOF2024, Katowice, Poland.
A series of lectures (in Finnish) based on my new book on Finnish Utopian communities will be held at Sofia Academy, Fuengirola (Costa del Sol, Spain) On Wednesdays from January 15 to March 26, 2025.
Presentation ”Suomalaisutopistien jäljillä 1979–2024”, at Benalmadenan Suomalaiset, Minerva, Benalmadena,Spain, 26.11.2024.
Writers’ Workshop at the University of Oslo for the forthcoming book “Transatlantic Crossings: Nordic Experiences of Emigration and Democracy” commemorating the 200th anniversary of the Norwegian migration to America in 2025.
Video interview of author Teuvo Peltoniemi by Jan Erola shown for Kainuu Book Fair, Suomussalmi 17.11.2024. Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mek_Zg2pGtk
The Costa Press Club, an association of international journalists on the Costa del Sol, made a study visit to the journalism training department at the University of Málaga.
Author Teuvo Peltoniemi interviewed by Kalle Haatanen for YLE (The Finnish Broadcasting Company) about “Paratiiseja rakentamassa” book.
Lisbon Addictions2024 is a huge multidisciplinary conference informing policy development and practice in addiction sciences and treatment.
Presentation ”Suomalaisutopistien jäljillä 1979–2024 - Kohtaamisia ja kohtaloita kuudessa maanosassa”, at Kulttuuriyhdistys Kaleva’s Taide&Tapas, Kukko, Fuengirola, Spain, Oct.19, 2024.
Teuvo Peltoniemi was interviewed at the MTV “Huomenta-Suomi” about “Paratiiseja rakentamassa” book, Oct 17, 2024.
My new Finnish language book about all the 20 Finnish Utopian communities was published by the Finnish Literature Society. “Paratiiseja rakentamassa - Suomalaisten utopiayhteisöjen” historiaa” (Building Paradises - History of Finnish Utopian Communities), 459 pages, SKS-kirjat. Helsinki 2024. ISBN: 978-951-858-550-6.
“Eco communities and migration - Intentional communities as modern descendants of old Utopian migration.” 34th Annual AEMI Conference, Dudelange, Luxemburg, September 25-28, 2024.
Technology Academy Journalist visit to the University of Oulu and Nokia Research Center. Topics included e.g. 6G and NATO’s Diana program. Oulu, September 24, 2024.
Research visit in the old Norwegian utopian community Quatsino, BC. August 8, 2024.
Research visit in the old Finnish utopian community Sointula, BC, August 6-7, 2024.
“Finnish and Scandinavian utopian communities in Canada and round the world” at the Scandinavian Community Centre, Vancouver, August 5, 2024.
Research visit in the old Icelandic utopian community New Iceland-Gimli, Manitoba, August 3-4, 2024.
“Suomalaisten utopiayhteisöt maailmalla” in Lepokoti, Vancouver, August 2, 2024
Interviews about Matti Kurikka’s Sammon Takojat (1905-1912) and later Finnish life in Websters Corner, B.C. at Maple Ridge Museum, B.C. Canada, August 1, 2024.
Research and lecture tour on Nordic utopian communities in British Columbia and Manitoba, Canada, July 29-August 15, 2024
Exhibit “Towards a Better World” and presentation “Three Centuries and Six Continents of Finnish Utopias” at Finnfest2024, Duluth, MN, July 23-28, 2024.
The EuroScience Open Forum, Katowice, Poland, June 12, 2024.
PRESSTEK study tour to Tallinn, June 7-8.2024.
“Täydellisen maailman kohtaloita – Suomalaisten utopiayhteisöt maailmalla”. Amerikka-keskus, Riihimäki, May 11, 2024.
”Fukushiman evakot hakivat apua Tsernobylistä” (Fukushima evacuees sought help from Chernobyl ). pp. 10–13. Kokoro nr 1.2024.
Presentation ” Päihdevalistuksesta verkkoterapiaan ja??” (From Addiction Link online prevention to digital therapy) at Päihdelääketieteen päivät (Conference of the Finnish Society of Addiction Medicine), Tripla, Helsinki, Feb. 29, 2024.
Presentation ”Matti Kurikan Sointulat Australiassa, Kanadassa ja Suomessa”. (Matti Kurikka’s Utopian Communities in Australia, Canada and Finland). Kulttuuriyhdistys Kaleva. Kukko. Fuengirola, Spain. Jan. 13, 2024.
A Guest Blog “Suomi on utopiayhteisöjen huippumaa” (“Finland is the top country for utopian communities”). The Kalevala Society. Helsinki, Dec. 27, 2023.
Presentation “Nordic utopian communities and colonization” at the workshop Transatlantic Crossings –Nordic Experiences of Emigration and Democracy (1825−1925). National Library of Norway, Oslo, 4−5 December 2023.
Presentation “Virtuality and Utopian Communities” at the Electricdreams - Between Fiction and Society II conference. IULM University, Milan 18-20 October, 2023.
Presstek Brussels presstour to EU and NATO October 10-14, 2023. Meeting with Finnish Meps, and EU & NATO Ambassadors.
Research visit on Norwegian utopian communities in St. Olaf College Norwegian-American Historical Association Archives, Northfield, MN. July 31-August 1.
Presentation “Finnish Utopian Communities in Americas” at Finnfest2023, Duluth, MN. July 28.
Participation at the FinnFest2023, and displaying for first time the 3 posters Roll-Up version of “Towards a Better World Exhibit”, Duluth, MN, July 26-30, 2023.
Research visits on utopias and cooperatives in Illinois and Minnesota at Swedish and Norwegian utopian community museums, and at Finnish and Scandinavian archives on July, 20-25.
Presentation “Nordic Utopian Communities Since 1700’s” and the inaugural opening of the first part of the Exhibit “Towards A Better World”
The new “Towards A Better World” Exhibit is in progress. It will replace the 1985 exhibit that was on display in 40 cities in nine countries during 1984–2004. The new exhibit will include also Scandinavian Utopian communities in addition to the Finnish Utopian Communities. The new exhibit will be available both as Roll-Ups and On-Line versions. The first Roll-Up part giving background and a short overview will be displayed at the Cluj-Napoca Utopian conference in Romania on 3-7 July.
“Fukushiman säteilypilvi varjostaa yhä evakoiden elämää” (The radiation cloud of Fukushima still shadows the lives of evacuees). Tiedetoimittaja nr 2.2023.
Visits and interviews in Tokyo, Fukushima, Hokkaido, Nagoya area, Nagasaki, Naha (March 12-26). Organizing help by FPCI, Y. Koide & K. Hattori. Financial part-support by Sasakawa Fnd.
Peltoniemi, Teuvo: Towards a Better World - Nordic and Finnish Utopian Communities. Pp. 93-100 in: Pro, Juan & Di Minicoa, Elisabetta (eds.): Comunidades intencionales - utopías concretas en la historia. UAM Ediciones, Madrid 2022.
Presentation (in Finnish) “Suomalaisten ja skandinaavien utopiayhteisöt”. Stadin työväenkirjallisuuspäivät, Helsinki, 25-26.11.2022.
Presentation event: (in Finnish) “Amurinmaan suomalaiset ihanneyhteisöt” and Kapteeni Höök video. SVS-Association, Albatros Center, Helsinki. Nov 24, 2022.
Article (in Finnish) ”Ydinvoimaa ja ydinjätettä Hollannissa” (Nuclear power and nuclear waste in the Netherlands). Tiedetoimittaja 3/2022.
Presentation “Finnish and Scandinavian Utopian communities”. The 45th SUS Conference. Charleston, S.C. USA, 9-13.11.2022.
Background information 1.11.2022 to the podcast “Tervetuloa, tervemenoa”. Siirtolaisuusinstituutti 11.11.2022.
Organized the Presstek Press Tour to Sun Coast, Spain on 24-28 October 2022. 13 Finnish journalists participated in 15 study visits and meetings.
Presentation “Towards a better world - The Scandinavian Utopian Communities from 1700s until 1900s” at the AEMI conference in Fafe, Portugal 18.9.-1.10.2022.
Presentation (in Finnish) “Suomalaisia utopiayhteisöjä kuudella mantereella” and Höök-video screening, Porvoon kirjasto 16.5.2022.
On-line presentation (in Finnish) “Suomalaisia utopiayhteisöjä kuudella mantereella” & Captain Höök video, Kuopion ja Iisalmen kirjastot 15.3.2022.
Presentation event about the ”Suomalaisten utopiasiirtolaisuus & kapteeni Höök-video. Kulttuuriklubi Kaleva, Kukko-ravintola, Fuengirola, Espanja 30.1.2022.
Article (in Finnish) “Andalusia on Espanjan ekoyhteisöjen keskus”, SES-lehti, Helsinki 15.1.2022.
Article (in Finnish) about “Maggie Walz - Early American Finnish Suffragette”. Tiedetoimittaja, nr. 4/2021.
Presentation (in Finnish with Russian interpretation) about “suomalainen utopiasiirtolaisuus Amurinmaalla” & “Kapteeni Höök video, Kulttuurimaraton. Espoon kirjasto 11.12.2021.
Interview of Mr Peltoniemi by Andersen Skov, Sebastian: “Tamagotchi’s 25th anniversary - Tamagotchi was tiny, but its impact was huge”, Wired, 23.11.2021.
Presentation “The Finnish Utopian Communities since 1734”. International conference on intentional communities: Real utopias in history. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain, Oct 25-27, 2021.
Forword Article (in Finnish) “Kylväjä suomalaisena utopiayhteisönä”, for Harri Vanhala’s book: “Kommuuna Kylväjä - Amerikansuomalainen kolhoosi Donin aroilla”. Migration Institute of Finland 2021
Science adviser to Finnish Broadcasting about Amurland utopia article (in Finnish & Russian): by Jormanainen, Heli: “During the famine years, Finns went to Amurland to seek happiness, but reality broke dreams - the memory of the free skipper Höök still lives in Vladivostok”.
Articles written at the EFIC congress in Valecia (in Finnish) “Hyvä, paha ja väheksytty kipu” & “Onko kannabiksesta lääkkeeksi?”. published at Tiedetoimittaja 2/2020.
Presentation about “Finnish Utopian settlements in USA & Canada. Finnish Church in Lake Worth. Feb 5, 2020.
Material collecting tour: Yale university archives, & old US Utopian communities in Midwest and Southern USA, on Jan 20 to Feb 7, 2020.
Presentation about “The Fukushima catastrophe, evacuations, and the future of nuclear power” Kaleva Culture Association, Fuengirola, Spain, Dec 11, 2019.
Höök documentary filming in Tammisaari and Helsinki. Dec 2019.
Fieldwork in Vladivostok and Nakhodka. Presentation “The Finnish 19th Century Utopian Emigration to Russian Far East, Russia” at the Nakhodka Museum seminar and exhibit opening “Finnish Imprint in the South of the Far East”, Nakhodka, Russia, Oct. 28-Nov. 3, 2019.
Organized the ”Finnish Fuengirola” field press tour day on Nov 11, 2019 for the Andalucian tour of the Finnish Science Editors and Journalists’ association.
Collected material about the American-Finnish Kylväjä Commune in Southern Russia on 3-7 September, 2018.
Organized Presstek’s Press Tour to Iceland on 6-10 May 2018. 20 Finnish journalists participated for 20 study and interview visits.
Participated at the Espoo City Press Tour to Shanghai visiting Chinese Technology projects and Finnish companies on 15-22 April 2018.
The “Living archive” of the Finnish Broadcasting Company made available Peltoniemi’s radio documents about Finnish utopian communities (from 1981-82).
Long article (in Finnish)”Fukushiman ongelmat ja media – Tiedetoimittaja silminnäkijänä” published in the book: Järvi & Tammi (eds.): ”Maito tappaa ja muita outoja tiedeuutisia”. Vastapaino 2016.
Articles (in Finnish) “Elämä Fukushiman jälkeen” (Life after Fukushima)” in Iltalehti newspaper on July 10, 2015, and “Pitkä siivousurakka” & “Fukushiman todelliset ongelmat ja media” in Tiedetoimittaja 3/2015.
Mr Peltoniemi was in Tokyo during the Great Japan Earthquake in 2011, reporting to Finland and following the topic ever since. On 11-13 June, 2015 he revisited Japan within an international press tour and wrote several articles from the situation inside the nuclear plant and on evacuated areas.
Presentation: “Towards a better world” – Finnish Utopian Communities since 1734”. the “10th FinnForum” conference, Hancock & Houghton, MI. 10-12 April 2014.
Collected material about Drummond Island utopian community and Finntowns.
Mr. Peltoniemi was the Chairman of the Communications committee & executive group member of the WCSJ2013 - The 8th World Conference of the Science Journalists, held in Helsinki, June 24-28, 2013.
CNN Internatitional interviewed Mr. Peltoniemi on the Finnish alcohol policy, and worldwide spread “Monsters” video of the Fragile Childhood -project, which was founded by Peltoniemi on 1980s and is still operating.
Ministry of Education and Culture awarded on October 6, 2011 Mr. Peltoniemi the “State Life Work Award on Public Information” for “exemplary and unconventional public information work”.
For info on my main activities before 2012 please see CV and Publications in this site and more in Finnish in books: ”Paratiiseja rakentamassa - Suomalaisten utopiayhteisöjen historiaa” (2024), and in ”Terassilta tiputukseen - Puheenvuoroja päihteistä” (2009).